ERA-GLONASS system on a car: should it be installed in 2021? Principle of operation and legal advice

What is the ERA-GLONASS system?

Most often, when we get into a serious accident, we need qualified help. But if the driver was seriously injured in an accident and cannot call for help on his own, then how to contact rescuers?

Beginning in 2015, a decision was made on the territory of the Russian Federation on the mandatory installation of an emergency response system in case of accidents. To start working with this system, you need to press the “SOS” button on the dashboard and wait for the operator to respond. This button is located close to the driver so that he can easily reach it in an emergency.

It is very difficult to confuse the SOS button with any other button, since it most often has bright red colors, an image of a telephone handset and the characteristic “SOS” inscription.

Should it burn

Many users cannot understand why the Glonass SOS is on. A visual indicator next to the key allows you to judge the status of the calling system. If it glows red, or no indicator works at all, this indicates that the machine cannot connect to the call center when pressing SOS. In addition, in the event of an emergency, emergency transmission of information may not take place. When the engine starts, the system performs self-diagnosis, and the indicator lights up for some time (up to 15 seconds).

If it lights up in any other case, you must have the system checked by an authorized dealer. If the red indicator lights up, or nothing from the LEDs works at all, you must contact emergency services or the police using a mobile phone.

Knowing what the GLONASS SOS key is and how it works, you can use its capabilities correctly. At the same time, you need to monitor the indicator’s performance in order to make a timely decision regarding further actions. Let us know in the comments whether you had to use the button and what difficulties arose in this matter.

How the GLONASS button works

The main goal and task of this security system is to save the maximum number of lives of people who suffered as a result of an accident.

One of the most important advantages of the SOS button is its response to strong impacts of the car on the sides, rear and front, as well as to car rollovers. In this case, even if the driver has lost consciousness, the operators will determine the location of the car and send assistance to the scene of the accident.

The SOS button in a car is very easy to use:

  1. Communication with the dispatcher is established by pressing a button or by the response of sensors to strong impacts from vehicles, when airbags are deployed.
  2. This system contains a navigation module that transmits your location to the help center with an accuracy of 15 meters.
  3. As a result of a strong blow, communication is established by the operator, and the call is accepted automatically. Regardless of whether the driver confirms the fact of the accident or is unable to answer, an ambulance squad and the traffic police are sent to him. The arrival time of medical assistance should be no more than 20 minutes.
  4. Even if the driver does not answer the operator’s questions, help is sent to the operator.

The SOS button has:

  • A SIM card that does not require payment when calling the rescue service;
  • microphone and speaker that help the driver and dispatcher communicate;
  • a navigation module that transmits data about the vehicle’s location to the help center;
  • an enhanced antenna for signal reception is installed to ensure better call quality in places where cellular communication is poor;
  • 3G modem that transmits additional information about the accident.

But the ERA-GLONASS system has one drawback: it only works on those sections of the road where there is mobile communication. Also, the system will start working 1 minute after the accident with the ignition on. Without ignition, the button will work for another minute.

Where is

According to the rules, the GLONASS SOS button must be installed taking into account GOST R 54620-2011. This states that the SOS must be installed in a location that is unlikely to be damaged in the event of a frontal or side collision. In addition, the driver must be able to reach the SOS button from his seat, even when wearing a seat belt.

In most cases, the SOS ERA GLONASS button is installed in the following places:

  1. near the interior lighting, in close proximity to the rear view mirror;
  2. near the steering column (left or right);
  3. in the multimedia system.

According to current standards, it is allowed for GLONASS SOS to be made in a virtual format. This means that pressing it is possible using the on-board computer. It is important that the control source can be reached with one click.

Let us note that today there are no cars that have an SOS key included in the on-board computer. This is due to several reasons:

  • The software is provided for all markets, and implementing it only for Russia is a very difficult task;
  • in the event of a collision, the display is likely to be damaged, which is why the driver and passengers will not be able to use the SOS button of the GLONASS system.

In addition, the SOS button should be located under the folding panel. In this case, it only works after a real, but not accidental, click. But this option is not always provided. In particular, the Lada Vesta does not have a similar mechanism.

What information does the system capture?

Since the ERA-GLONASS system can turn on independently in necessary situations, in order to provide proper assistance it is necessary to know some parameters of the damaged vehicle. In the event that the vehicle owner cannot provide this data, the system independently transmits it to the dispatcher:

  1. Vehicle location.
  2. Number of passengers. To do this, it is necessary that each passenger wear a seat belt, since the system counts the number of people by the number of belts fastened.
  3. Technical side of the accident: overload parameters and the last maximum speed before the accident.
  4. Additional basic information: car number, model, color and type of fuel (gas or gasoline).

Some people are suspicious of such systems that read their location and send data to some centers. But, firstly, the ERA-GLONASS system does not constantly “monitor” you, but only when the shock sensors are triggered and force the navigation system to turn on and send data so that specialized help can come to you. Secondly, it’s worth thinking about the fact that if this system doesn’t “monitor” you around the clock, then maybe you should put aside your worries and understand that ERA-GLONASS can save your life when no one nearby refuses.

How it works

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Now a little about how to use the ERA GLONASS system. In fact, the instructions will be present in the documentation for the machine upon purchase, so I advise you to simply study this manual and strictly follow it.

The system operates in 2 modes.

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  • Auto. Automatic mode is activated in situations where a severe accident occurs. After a collision, the system creates a VIN code that includes information about the car, coordinates, speed, direction, number of passengers, etc. This data is transmitted via the mobile Internet of any network that is currently available. The message itself has little weight, so even with poor communication, the probability of transmitting information is very high. When it is not possible to connect to the Internet, the data is sent in the form of SMS;
  • Manual. Here the driver himself presses the corresponding button, which leads to activation of the system. If necessary, you can directly from the car via speakerphone using the speaker and built-in microphone to contact the operator, tell about the incident, call a group, etc.

When transmitting information, regardless of the method, the operator must first try to contact the driver. If this can be done, all additional information is learned through the driver. When the driver does not respond, a team of rescuers and ambulances arrives at the scene.

Certain questions may be raised by the fact that ERA finds out about the number of passengers in the car. But this is relatively accurate information, since it is determined by the number of seat belts fastened. When the passenger is not fastened, the system will not be able to determine the fact that he is in the vehicle.

Is it necessary to install a button in 2018?

On January 1, 2021, a new requirement was introduced in Russia, according to which, from this date, all new cars must be equipped with the ERA-GLONASS system.

If your car falls under the following parameters, then it must already be equipped with a security system or you must install it yourself:

  • a foreign-made vehicle imported into Russia if it was manufactured after 2021;
  • a domestically produced vehicle with a year of manufacture after 2021;
  • used vehicles imported into the Russian Federation from January 1, 2021, if more than 30 years have passed since the year of their manufacture;
  • vehicles that have undergone vehicle type approval for compliance with technical requirements must be equipped with the system from January 1, 2015;
  • vehicles used to transport passengers, dangerous and harmful goods, as well as household and garbage waste must be equipped with the system from January 1, 2016.

If you purchased a car that, in accordance with the new rule, must be equipped with the ERA-GLONASS system, but for some reason it is missing, then you will not be issued a PTS until the required device is installed.

How to install the ERA-GLONASS system?

You won’t be able to install the help button yourself, even if you are an excellent auto mechanic with a lot of experience behind you. Since installing this system requires not only knowledge of the technical side of the process, but also the presence of licensed authority.

System installation includes the following steps:

  1. Installation of an emergency response system module in case of accidents.
  2. Installing the SOS button.
  3. Connecting the installed equipment to the vehicle system and to the help center.
  4. Configuring installed devices.
  5. The final stage is testing the installed ERA-GLONASS system.

If the driver cannot install the required system due to lack of authority, then where should he go? There are three options for authorized persons to install ERA-GLONASS:

  1. Car manufacturer. Some cars are already produced with a built-in security system, and such a car will cost more than its counterpart, but without the installed equipment.
  2. Car sales dealer.
  3. Authorized legal entities or individual entrepreneurs. Before you give your car to install the system, make sure that this organization has the right to do this kind of action by asking for a license.

How does the ERA GLONASS button work on a car and why is it needed at all?

Good day to all!
Today I decided to talk about such a relative innovation as the GLONASS button. I want to share some thoughts and observations with you. Despite the fact that ERA GLONASS has been operating in our country for quite a long time, not everyone knows what it is, why it is installed on a car and what the presence of such a button in the car does.

Various news regarding ERA constantly appear, but many of them are not supported by links to official sources. As a result, the news turns into rumors and myths that contribute to destabilization among car owners. Let's try to figure out some of them by answering the main questions.

Installation cost

One of the factors of interest to drivers when installing an SOS button is the price. There is no strictly established amount, since the price depends on the type and quality of the system being installed and the type of your car. It is also worth remembering that prices may vary depending on where you live and the company you choose to install the system.

There are two installation options:

  • simpler and cheaper. This option will cost around 25–30 thousand rubles and is a minimum set of panic buttons.
  • more expensive and better quality. This option will cost from 70 to 80 thousand rubles, but it will justify its price in a vital situation. In the event of a severe accident, the button will work itself and do everything to save your life.

This period includes not only the system kit itself, but also the necessary certificates, as well as the work of the craftsmen.

But you shouldn’t think that if you can’t afford the “more expensive and better quality” option, then it’s better not to spend money on this idea at all. No! It is worth installing even a minimal set of panic buttons, since it is also aimed at helping you.

There are no penalties for the absence of an emergency response system for personal use vehicles. If you are an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity and your commercial vehicles are not equipped with the ERA-GLONASS system, then for this violation you may be subject to an administrative fine of 50,000 rubles.

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