The VAZ 2114 stove blows cold air - reasons and solutions

Most owners of the "Ten" often encounter such an unpleasant situation when the VAZ-2110 stove blows cold air. In general, VAZ equips their cars with fairly good heating systems, but during operation sometimes breakdowns occur. What to do in such a situation? After all, the interior heater is an indispensable assistant in the frosty season.

The stove not only ensures a comfortable stay for the driver and passengers inside the car, it also blows on the glass, removing moisture and a small amount of ice deposits. Therefore, this device can be considered not only the main creator of a comfortable stay for people inside the car, but also a safety element that promotes an unobstructed view of the road surface.

Malfunctions of the VAZ-2114 cooling system

If the thermostat in the car does not work, the coolant that is in the system is constantly circulating in a large circle. As a result, it turns out that the liquid does not have time to heat up, so cold or slightly warm air blows from the stove. In order to solve this problem, it is enough to simply repair or replace the thermostat.

Another reason could be a simple air lock formed in the thermostat. In order to eliminate this problem, you need to remove the pipe going to the heater, and then add antifreeze to the very top. It should be noted that in this case, the liquid level in the system should not be below the maximum mark, or even a whole centimeter above it. And all because if there is not enough liquid in the system, then the stove blows cold air.

If the heater blows cold air at idle, the problem may be hidden in the pump, since it is not able to ensure normal circulation of the coolant in the system. In this case, the pump must be replaced.

Airiness of the heating system

If the heater is working properly, there are no leaks and the damper cable has been adjusted, but cool air is still coming out of the deflectors, then an air lock may have formed in the system. To get rid of it, put your car on a hill with its front wheels, open the tap all the way and turn on the gas.

Another consequence of weak and cold air from the nozzles may be a clogged radiator core. Most often, the radiator becomes clogged in the fall, since then the air through the fan into the radiator, in addition to dust, also includes fallen leaves, which get stuck in the radiator, and sometimes can fly into the cabin, since this VAZ model does not have a cabin filter.

Stove tap failure

Quite often, the stove of a VAZ-2114 car blows cold air due to a malfunction of the faucet. In order to get rid of this problem, you should tighten the cable, which can be easily reached from the pedal assembly. You need to have pliers on hand, which, in fact, are used to tighten the cable.

If, after doing all of the above, the stove tap still does not open, there are only two reasons left:

  • the faucet is sour;
  • The faucet needs replacing.

By the way, this procedure should be carried out very carefully, since the tap can easily be torn off, causing the liquid to leak directly into the car interior.

A faulty faucet is indicated by cold air blowing from the car's heater when it is turned on for heating. Another reason to replace the faucet is leakage.

If you decide to replace the faucet yourself, we present to your attention the sequence of actions:

  • unscrew the drain plugs located on the engine block;
  • drain all the coolant that is in the system;
  • clean the studs on the faucet using an iron brush;
  • wet them with WD-40. Thanks to this action, unscrewing will be much easier;
  • loosen the clamps on the pipes and drain the remaining liquid;
  • inside the car, unscrew the side trim, loosen the clamps on the pipes that are directed to the heater radiator;
  • unscrew the nuts under the machine holding the tap;
  • pull the tap out through the cabin;
  • disconnect the cable leading to it;
  • connect it to the new tap;
  • check that all parts are assembled correctly;
  • Proceed with the assembly process in reverse order.

temperature sensor

You can often encounter the following problem: it is not possible to properly regulate the temperature in the cabin. In most cases, the problem is a failure of the control unit and an incorrectly set damper. This is not a difficult problem at all, and it can be solved quickly. First you need to check the serviceability of the temperature sensor. To do this, move the heater knob to one side, and after a while - to the other. The temperature of the air entering the cabin should change. If this happens, the problem is not in the controller. If the temperature sensor does not work, you can temporarily turn on the stove without it, then the temperature in the cabin will be the same as that set on the electronic unit.

Relays and fuses

A blown fuse is one of the most common stove malfunctions in a VAZ-2114. This reason is extremely simple, since it can be eliminated by every person who does not have the slightest idea about the structure of a car. However, this reason is also very unpleasant, since it is, firstly, necessary to establish the reason why the fuse blew, and secondly, not so easy. Typically, a blown fuse indicates a problem with the vehicle's electrical wiring.

Poor heating at idle

If you suddenly experience a flow of cold air while the engine is warm and the heater is on, there are probably problems with the thermostat or pump. The cause of this phenomenon may be a damaged cylinder head gasket. A broken gasket gives the effect of an airy state. But this is not the worst situation, it is much worse if the reason why the stove does not heat well is a non-working pump.

A failed pump will not circulate coolant, causing the engine to overheat. So if the heater on your car begins to heat worse, you need to check the performance of the pump. A faulty heater valve also affects the flow of warm air into the car interior. If it stops working normally, the inlet hose will be hot and the outlet hose will be cold.

Problem with switches

In order to check the serviceability of the stove switches, you need to acquire the simplest light bulb, 12 volts, with two wires. Next, remove the central part of the dashboard and perform the following steps:

  • turn on the car ignition;
  • connect the negative contact from the light bulb to ground with a wire;
  • The positive contact is alternately connected to outputs 1-2-3 on an additional resistor.

If the light comes on during this procedure, this indicates that the switch is working. But if the light does not light up, most likely the fuse has blown or the circuit has broken.

The interior heater has failed

If the VAZ-2109 stove stops working, it does not respond to any position of the control lever, then it is very likely that the heating system motor has failed and should be replaced. But if this is not the case, then in order to find the problem, the car owner will need to “ring” all the contacts of the electrical part of the heating system; for this, you will need to remove the dashboard.

The heating system of a car is one of the important and serious systems in a car. Its malfunctions are especially unpleasant in winter, so try to carry out its maintenance and repair in a timely manner, then it will not let you down.

Stove motor failure

Of course, the stove motor, like, in fact, any other electrical part of the VAZ-2114, can burn out over time. However, before deciding to replace it, it is necessary to check the functionality of all fuses, the temperature mode switch, and the ignition relay. If all the above parts are in order, then the problem is still in the motor.

To replace it, you must first disassemble and then remove the entire dashboard, turn off the heater valve, and also drain the antifreeze or antifreeze. Next, we remove all the pipes, take out the old motor, and install a new one in its place. Once the functionality of the new heater has been verified, the system can be refilled with the fluid that was drained at the beginning of this process.

Cold stove VAZ 2114


With the onset of cold weather, a person’s need for heat increases significantly, and car owners begin to use the interior heater in their car to warm the interior, but what a surprise they are when the stove does not warm up the interior and blows cold air. This problem occurs quite often on the VAZ 2114, this is the topic of this article.

This article describes in detail the reasons that lead to the stove starting to blow cold air, causing discomfort. There are not many reasons for the formation of this problem, but they are all almost the same type.

Reasons why the stove blows cold

A car's heater is a rather complex mechanism that includes a large number of different parts that are involved in heating the interior. Failure or improper operation of one of the elements can lead to consequences that will contribute to the ineffective operation of the heater.

The cold air flow from the stove is affected by:

  • Insufficient amount of antifreeze;
  • Faulty expansion tank cap valve;
  • Thermostat malfunction;
  • Heater radiator clogged;
  • Malfunction of the stove tap;

Also, the car may have a weak air flow, which does not help warm up the interior.

This reason arises due to:

  • Radiator clogged;
  • Malfunction of the electric motor of the stove;
  • Cabin filter clogged;

To figure out why the heater is blowing cold air in your car, you need to familiarize yourself in detail with each of the possible reasons.

Low coolant level

As you know, the interior heating system directly depends on the engine cooling system. Antifreeze (antifreeze) is used to heat the heater radiator, so all problems associated with the ODS are reflected in the operation of the heater. For proper and efficient operation of the heater, it is necessary that the coolant level be in the middle position between o and “maximum”. An insufficient level can lead to the formation of an air lock in the system, which will negatively affect the operation of the heater.

Expansion tank cap

The expansion tank is designed to compensate for the expansion and contraction of the coolant during heating and cooling. When heated, the liquid expands, thereby increasing in volume, and when cooled, vice versa. It is for these reasons that a special cap with a valve is installed on the expansion tank, which relieves excess pressure generated as the temperature of the liquid changes. If the valve is locked, a vacuum may form, which will lead to improper operation of the heater.


A thermostat malfunction directly affects the operation of the VAZ 2114 stove. It is this element that is responsible for the coolant temperature. A properly working thermoelement in the thermostat opens at 85⁰C, but if the thermostat is stuck in the open position or is already worn out, then the car engine will not warm up to operating temperature, much less warm up the interior.

Such a breakdown can be easily diagnosed by assessing the engine temperature using the arrows. If the thermostat in the VAZ 2114 is working properly, the temperature should be about 90⁰C. Otherwise, the thermostat must be replaced.

Heater radiator

One of the most important elements of the VAZ 2114 stove is the radiator. It is this that gives off the accumulated heat to heat the interior, but quite often it happens that it can also fail or become clogged. The most common cause of radiator failure is a leak, but it does not affect the operation of the heater, but its blockage greatly affects the efficiency of the stove.

There are two types of radiator clog, inside and outside. Let's look at each in turn.

Blockage from inside

This blockage occurs due to long-term use of coolant without replacing it. During operation, a large amount of debris and dirt heats up in the coolant, which then settles in the radiators. The resulting blockage inside the radiator clogs the channels and does not allow coolant to circulate normally through the radiator, which reduces its efficiency to zero.

Blockage outside

This problem occurs due to operating a car without a cabin filter. All debris from the environment ends up in the car's air intake, and then on the radiator, thereby clogging its honeycombs, which leads to a weak air flow from the heater air ducts in the cabin.

Both causes can be eliminated by flushing the radiator. It is recommended to perform flushing with the radiator removed and then replacing the coolant.


In the VAZ 2114, a valve is used to regulate the temperature, which opens and closes the flow of coolant through the radiator. It is quite common that the cable leading to the tap has low tension and simply does not open it fully, which leads to insufficient circulation of fluid through the radiator and reduces the efficiency of the heater. To check, you can manually open the tap fully and evaluate the operation of the stove after this procedure.

Possible faults

In any case, every motorist wants to drive in a warm and heated interior, especially in the winter season. So, before disassembling or replacing the stove on a VAZ 2110, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the basic information about malfunctions, as well as options for eliminating these breakdowns.

If the heater on a VAZ 2110 does not heat well or it blows cold air, this may be due to several malfunctions:

  • the driver no longer has the ability to independently adjust the heater;
  • the hot air flow does not blow well or only cold air blows, while clicks are heard in the engine compartment;
  • there is a coolant leak in the operation of the system, namely the radiator;
  • the temperature sensor has failed, it refuses to work, we are talking about a controller installed on the ceiling;
  • There has been a malfunction in the operation of the control unit.

Temperature is not adjustable

If the driver cannot adjust the temperature regime, there may be two reasons for this:

  • the control unit has failed or is not functioning correctly;
  • The damper itself has failed (the author of the video is Fire Screen – Live).

In this case, the first thing to do if the VAZ 2110 stove does not work is to diagnose the temperature sensor. As we said above, this element is located on the ceiling of the car, next to the ceiling lamp. In order to correctly diagnose this controller with your own hands, you need to scroll it several times from the extreme position of the cold air flow to the extreme hot one. In the same way, you can check the temperature of the air flow based on your feelings.

If, when setting the regulator to the extreme heating position, a hot air flow begins to flow from the dampers, this indicates that the device is fully operational. If, when installed in this position, the air flow barely flows or it begins to heat up only in the extreme “hot” position, this indicates the need to replace the controller.

Damper repair or replacement

In some cases, it happens that the VAZ 2110 stove stops working due to a broken damper. As a rule, the damper simply freezes in such cases. This element stops turning as a result of the fact that the device’s clamps have oxidized because they have not been serviced for a long time. Accordingly, if the problem lies in the damper, it can be solved independently.

On domestic “tens”, you can only get to the damper from the engine compartment. First you need to dismantle the deflectors, after which you need to bend the antennae. After these steps, you can reach the flap by sliding it with your hand. If during disassembly you notice that the heater damper of the VAZ 2110 moves without problems, this indicates that the reason for the system’s inoperability is completely different.

However, in order not to subsequently encounter the problem of a poorly functioning damper, it is necessary to replace it with an aluminum one. As practice shows, the fastening itself often fails on plastic dampers, so using the aluminum option is the most optimal.

Location of the stove damper

As a result of such minor modifications to the system, the heater will be able to better retain hot air. Overall, the heating system will function much better. This is because thanks to this modification, deformations that are relevant for plastic dampers will not appear in the system.

Damper micromotor

Often, owners of "ten" cars are faced with the inoperability of the heating system in their cars as a result of the failure of the micromotor. The device itself is located in the engine compartment, next to the windshield. To get to the damper micromotor, it is necessary to remove the frill, the insulating element. If the lever moves when the driver starts the heater in heating mode, this indicates that it is working properly.

However, a problem with the device’s performance may occur when the gears wear out and, accordingly, begin to slip. In this case, the micromotor is replaced on the VAZ 2110. In order not to change the motor, you can simply manually open the damper itself - nothing bad will happen from this. Only the air flow will always enter the car interior, and whether it will be warm or hot depends on the heater settings in the cabin itself. So it is important to carry out such actions as a temporary measure (video author - In Sandro's garage).

It also happens that the problem lies in the operation of the stove resistor. The thermal fuse in the “tens” heating system is located next to the resistor coil of the unit. If the resistor is heated too high - 117 degrees - the internal panel of the device will melt and rupture. As practice shows, this element can also burn out due to increasing current strength, when the ventilation device cannot move. If the fan does not really start working, this can cause the load on the safety device to increase to 17 amperes, which is quite a lot for a car's on-board network.

In fact, replacing the resistor does not happen so often, since in principle this malfunction is rare; usually it is the thermal fuse that blows. By the way, such devices are installed on many household appliances.

Diagnostics of the fuse itself is carried out as follows:

  1. You need to short-circuit the resistor with a “bridge” using a piece of wire.
  2. After short-circuiting, turn on the stove itself. If the heater works normally in all modes, then the problem lies in the fuse.
  3. Buy a new 15 amp 117 degree fuse and solder it in place of the old one. When soldering, the device must not be overheated, since if the soldering temperature exceeds 117 degrees, this will lead to its failure. Therefore, the soldering procedure is carried out with a heat sink.

We recommend: Everything about replacing the cylinder head gasket on a VAZ 2112 car

Leaking radiator

Heating system radiator

In practice, it often happens that on domestically produced cars the heating device begins to function poorly due to a leak. We are talking specifically about a leak in the system radiator. As a rule, the driver learns about this as a result of a lack of coolant in the expansion tank located in the engine compartment. In this case, the problem can be solved for some time by adding consumables to the system, but over time the stove will again blow cold air. For what reasons does this happen?

First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to diagnosing the radiator device itself. You need to check the integrity of the radiator. It should be noted that this task is one of the most difficult of those related to the diagnosis of a heating unit. After all, in order to get to the radiator, you first need to remove the stove.

If during diagnostics you notice that the radiator device has cracks on its body through which antifreeze escapes, then it is advisable to replace it. As practice shows, soldering the case usually does not give the desired results. In most cases, it helps for a short time, but the process of dismantling and installing the stove itself is quite tedious for the motorist.


Sometimes it happens that the hot air flow does not flow well to the side windows and to the feet, although the heating system itself is working properly. In this case, the side windows may become foggy. Even when replacing the corrugation, this does not help solve the problem. In order to get rid of such a malfunction, you do not need to repair the control unit of the VAZ 2110 stove or look for a leak - you just need to get rid of all the cracks. Seal the center console with sealant or a special “anti-creak”; in some places you can use construction foam.

Weak air flow

This reason arises due to the difficulty of air passing through the channels. This is influenced by several factors, which are detailed below.

Cabin filter

If the cabin filter is used for a long time, it may become clogged, which will lead to a decrease in air throughput and, consequently, to a weak air flow from the stove.

Stove motor

The VAZ 2114 uses a DC motor to pump air into the stoves, which can fail, which will lead to breakdown. It is also quite common that the engine cannot operate at full power due to insufficient voltage. To check, it is necessary to measure the voltage coming to the engine; it must be at least 12V.

What to do if there is cold air in the VAZ 2114 stove?

The cold air of the stove 2114 creates many problems. The VAZ is a car loved by many, but it also often has problems.

The task of the stove in the cabin of any car is to create a warm climate. A car heater is not a very complicated device, and the heat is supplied by the engine. The pump sends antifreeze through the heating and cooling systems, the hot antifreeze enters the stove radiator, and the fan at this time passes already heated air. That's why it gets warm in the cabin. The antifreeze then returns to the engine.

If the stove in a VAZ 2114 produces cold air when the mode is on, an urgent inspection of the entire car is necessary, otherwise a seemingly minor breakdown can lead to serious repairs.

Most often, the reason lies in the cylinder head gasket.

If it was pierced, then even by eye you can determine whether this is so. This will become clear if you make sure that in the expansion tank:

  • air bubbles enter;
  • An excessive amount of antifreeze enters, and it does not decrease (this is the reason for the instantaneous heating of the engine even at idle speed).

A hole in the gasket indicates that the thermostat needs to be checked, and there is a possibility that the operation of the large cooling circle is disrupted.

Most often, the gasket is damaged, burning out in the place between the cylinder and the cooling, then:

  • antifreeze may get into the camera;
  • gases into the cooling system.

If cooled air is blowing, there is a fear that the heating system hoses could not withstand the load while driving. When the engine got too hot, they burst, followed by the cylinder head gasket.

A pump malfunction can also cause the stove to supply air that is far from warm. But that's not what's dangerous. Such a breakdown entails a malfunction of the cylinder head.

Because of this, the engine may overheat so much that the engine cannot withstand it, and it will face major repairs.

Driving on dusty, polluted roads adds to the damage to cars. The radiator is the first to suffer. It may be partially or even completely blocked from road dust. The air, which according to all the rules should pass through the grille, will in this case look for more optimal paths and blow around the edges of the radiator, and the stove, accordingly, will not please the driver with warm air.

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